IAICS 25th Conference 2019
East/West: New Divisions, New Connections in a Populist Political Reality
July 12–15, 2019
Brno, Czech Republic
Registration is CLOSED!

News and updates
8. 7. 2019: Guidelines for participants and presenters are online.
1. 7. 2019: Keynote speech abstracts are online.
21. 6. 2019: Registration has ended.
13. 6. 2019: Registration for the conference has been extended to June 21st, 2019.
30. 4. 2019: Early bird registration has been extended to May 10th, 2019.
16. 4. 2019: Confirmed keynote speakers: Marsha Siefert (Central European University, Hungary), Monika Metyková (University of Sussex, U. K.), David Morley, (Goldsmiths, University of London, U. K.), Don Sparling (Brno Expat Centre)
8. 2. 2019: Registration has begun.
30. 1. 2019: All decisions on acceptance have been sent.
Important dates
21. 6. 2019: Extended deadline for the registration
12.–15. 7. 2019: Conference
The International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies (IAICS)
The International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies (IAICS) consists of scholars from a range of the cultural sciences who are dedicated to doing research on communication across cultures. Its membership is made up of participants from over 32 countries. These participants meet annually at different locations around the world to discuss common research interests. The results of their investigations are published in the journal of the organization, Intercultural Communication Studies (ICS). For more about the organization please see https://web.uri.edu/iaics/
Conference participants are invited to submit their article for possible publication in IAICS journal, Intercultural Communication Studies